“I’m passionate about how we can make learning at work feel similar to how people ‘learn' in their personal lives.”
Sideways Founders John Mason and Matt Hart are what you might call ‘learning activists’. Together they combine decades of experience in technology, innovation and learning. Their first venture Vidleos (videos made for learning) introduced the idea of visual knowledge for the hospitality and services industries, positively disrupting dated methods no longer fit for digital workers.

“Unless learning is actively supported by culture, it’s probably expensive training that's adding questionable new value.”
Sideways is the next-gen expression of their founding beliefs; put learners first, give them the knowledge in ways they want it, and then facilitate learners integrating and building upon that knowledge elegantly and collaboratively.

“We create web and mobile apps that stand out.”
Equaleyes Solutions is an award-winning software development company, located in London, UK, and Maribor, Slovenia. Each month we partner with dynamic companies who have millions of active users delivering the key technology services that keep them in business.

Sideways can work for organisations of any size - from startups through to global corporates. And we have experience working with both; being the learning platform for small enterprises and plugging in our unique features for larger ones. That said, we find an instant connection with innovative thinkers like ourselves - brands, businesses and organisations looking to disrupt by doing things different and better. We help them make new impactful dents inside the business with people, and outside with customers, clients and fans.